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New Laws Passed in the 93rd Legislative Session

More information about laws passed in 2021!


vote no on sb 545!

SBS 545 is an unnecessary bill that attempts to implement hidden fees, increasing taxes on Arkansans to subsidize the failed 287(g) program.


New American Dreams Platform

The New American Dreams Platform seeks to identify and support administrative reforms to Arkansas education, workforce development, and public safety policies that would foster immigrant integration and economic development.


DACA Teachers

DACA Nurses (Act 837) enabled more nurses to join the frontlines in the fight against COVID-19.

Now we have an opportunity to do the same to support our schools that are facing teacher shortages by ensuring that DACA Recipients are eligible for professional licensure to become teachers in Arkansas!



Act 217 (formerly known as SB 287) extends eligibility for the Arkansas Governor’s Distinguished Scholarship and the Arkansas High-Tech Scholarship to include:

  • Migrants from the Compact of Free Association of Islands

  • Students that hold an I-766 work permit (DACA)

  • Children with parents that hold an I-766 work permit (H-4 Visa Students)